As stated on the history page, the only country capable of creating combat effective androids was Russia. There have been four major series of android, with the first two series being quickly made redundant when the massively powerful L300 series was created.

When the L337 series was created, they were so powerful that many deemed them "indestructible" and "perfect".Their immense power came from their ability to manipulate energy, something the humans of the time were practising. However instead of using the fighters 'ki' or life force to generate this power, the L337 series used static electricity generated from their nuclear reactor power sources to send energy out in beams. They were also the first series to have emotion chips.

When it was discovered that humans could no longer use energy attacks, it was seen that the L337 series would be a serious threat to mankind. This prompted the creation of the L473 series. This number represented not how long it took them to create the next successful batch of androids, but rather they were the first of the L400 series, and the lead scientest on the L337 series had died at the age of 73 ( L400 + 73 = L473 ).

The L473 series was essentially the same as the L337 series in design. The key differences were that no longer were energy attacks possible, and instead their skin contained a special compoud that was almost completely immune to energy attacks. They had different eyes that were especially created to focus and target almost instantaneously, and they came with a new breed of Military emotion chip. This should really be called the emotionless chip, as it meant they only understood the simplest of military syntax, and mindlessly set about their missions. In short the L473 series was bred to destroy the L337 series without any human casualties.

These 'kibot extermination squads' quickly thinned the L337 numbers until there were just two remaining. There is now a L473 model android accompanying every High Russian Officer, and just a handful of these can eliminate legions of human opponents.

The androids are now so embedded in society, that apart from their emotionless behavior, it is almost impossible to tell them from a normal person in Russia. They are the main reason that no other countries know of Russia's continued use of the planets lifesource...

L100 series The initial android design. Had no skin and very limited movement. Resembled Terminator combat chassis.
L200 series First models with skin, still very little movement, but vastly upgraded military capability. Skin was made of rubber-based compound and so looked fake.
L300 - L330 series The first androids to look properly human. Still emotionless, but movements and balance now equal to a human. No apparent upgrades in military applications. Considered to be spy androids, they were the first to travel overseas to the US and EU. Also the first models to have the chip boards on their backs. ( see below )
L337 series Arguably the best androids ever made, they resembled humans in every way, appearance, movement, emotion, judgement... and they took all these components past the ability of humans -- a L337 android could infiltrate any given situation and had inbuilt knowledge of all man's history, geography, languages, occupations, vehicles... the only thing missing from these bots was the munitions chip which was still in re-development as the first L337 bots were created. Each had a slot for this upgrade once it became available.
L400 series

The L473 series was almost exactly the same as the L337 series. The main changes were the upgraded energy resistent skin, the auto-targeting eyes, munitions chip upgrade and the refined 'military emotion chip'. But possibly the most ingenious upgrade was the electro-magnetic magnets set into their arms, thighs and hands. Using these magnets an L473 android can have a weapon fixed to their leg/arm without need of a holster. These magnets are so strong that a L473 unit cannot remove it without turning off the relevant magnet. This also meant that it was impossible to disarm a L473 unit, unless that unit so willed it. Indeed the magnets are so powerful that a unit can transfer a weapon from their thigh to their hand even when the two are meters apart. Of course they used magnets that only attract a special alloy found only in Russia.

Even though these androids make up just 10% of the Russian military unit, they are undoubtably the most fearsome force in all existence.

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